This is going to be a highly random posting.  I have a lot of garbage running through my brain that someway or another needs to come out.  I figure I’ll put it out on  cyberspace (haha cyberspace) and let everyone know just how goofy my synapse fire.

So I just read a story that Kim Kardashian wants $60,000 to wear a certain kind of lip gloss on her show. This was on in case you want some other reading.  I realized that I’ve been wasting my life and college degree trying to make something useful of myself.  What I need is to be like Kim Kardashian. By that, I mean make millions of dollars for no damn reason at all.  Then I realized, well shit, I don’t know any NFL players or sub-par rappers, plus I have morals and don’t want to bang anyone on video.  I mean, I may not have many morals but they’re there.  Let’s not forget, I’m also married.  So there’s that.  I guess I’m going to have to go back to square one: win the lottery. First step: buy lottery tickets.

I also told Donny we could move to Montana and build a shack like the unibomber and just live off the wealth of the land.  As long as there’s internet.  Let’s not get crazy here. I would need internet access and Netflix and coffee. Okay, so living off the wealth of the land probably isn’t going to work.

Can you have a mid-life crisis at 31? Well, if you live to 62, I guess that’s possible but let’s not split hairs here.  I’m never complacent with things and that annoys me.  I annoy myself which doesn’t bode well with everyone else in my life, I guess.  I know I’m not a unique snowflake in this thinking.  We all want something better or something more.  Something that makes us happy.  I look at it as – we have one life to live and I don’t want to live it with my thumbs up my ass.  It’s just not comfortable. I’m also not talking about money….well maybe a little.  Lord knows we need some green paper in our lives to get by.

In less-annoying news, one of my students said “fuck” yesterday.  In case you don’t know what I do for a living, I work with our Title I program and do response to intervention.  My students are small groups of kids that have difficulty reading or can’t read at all (seems to be more of the case). It’s seriously the most eclectic group of kids you can put into one room and it’s pretty fun…most of the time. Anyway, the kids were playing “Hang Mouse” because Hang Man just really isn’t all that PC. A 6 year-old saying fuck isn’t really pc, either. Hilarious? (Channel Palin) Youbetcha! He messed up something and just decided to say fuck. Now, it’s my favorite word and I just can’t help it.  I’m sorry.  It’s versatile and it’s fun.  If you don’t like it, fuck yourself. It really is a liberating word.  Back to the point.  I was working with another student and I think I responded to the eff-bomb a few seconds after it was spoken.  I think my thought process was:

What did I just hear? —-> Was that a bad word? —–> Was that the f-word? —-> I think he just said fuck! —-> “WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY?!”

Okay, if you have ever seen A League of Their Own, there is a scene where Evelyn is talking to Jimmy and he’s trying not to strangle her.  He has his hands up in the choking motion and is just shaking them, but not saying a word.  That’s kind of what I was doing when trying to ascertain if this kid just dropped the grand-daddy of all bad words.  I’ve talked to this kid’s dad enough to know that this language would not be tolerated but I also don’t think the kid knew he said it.  Which leads me to think that dad says it at home which leads me to think that if Donny and I have kids, we’re fucked.  As you already know, Donny said instead of a curse jar, we would need a curse silo.

If cussing makes you a bad person, then you don’t know many bad people…or you live in the boondocks and only know 3 people. I watch the news enough to know that there are way worse people than me out there and me saying fuck isn’t going to end the world or kill someone.  Unless I tell a psycho with a gun to fuck his mother or something. Thing is, my mouth usually only gets me into trouble.  I’m okay with that.

What we’ve learned in this informative post:

  1. Kim Kardashian is an asshole but somehow makes millions
  2. I need to make at least hundreds
  3. I can’t live like the unabomber
  4. I need a new profession
  5. My students say bad words
  6. I feel like a hypocrite because I love bad words
  7. The end.

**Donny’s playing Word Feud/friends/whatever and the person he’s playing just said: “Well, I’ll be fucked without consent.” Un-pc? Yep. Still funny? Youbetcha.